Khorne Blood Bowl Team

Unboxing Skull-Tribe Slaughterers | Unboxing Garrek's Reavers | Khorne team part II
The first of couple posts will be a bit in the wrong order on this one. I wanted something to de-sprue whilst watching something but I hadn't taken pictures of the sprues for an unboxing post. It was too dark at the time but I knew I would be ordering another box for werewolf conversion for my necromantic team. That box didn't arrive until today. So you will have to wait for that.

Khorne Blood Bowl Team Conversions
I should have taken pictures of each player individually since most of the pieces (except maybe a Khorngor and a Lineman) are all converted in some way. I have added in the Forge World Khorne Team Booster Pack but mixed parts with the box set.

Khorne Blood Bowl Team Conversions 2
I didn't like the aesthetic of the brutish, grotesque Blood Spawn but I did like the cartoonish, foolish style of Scyla Anfingrimm. Since Stars aren't making much of an appearance in Sevens, I decided to use Scyla as the Blood Spawn. He is sort of supposed to be the same thing, a marauder given loads of blessings from Khorne. The helmet on the Lineman in the front isn't supposed to fit on that body so I needed to smooth the joint with some greenstuff.

Khorne Blood Bowl Team Conversions 3
I added some of Warhammer Underworlds Garrek's Reavers for Linemen. I got them before Khorne was announced thinking they would do great as Blood Bowl players, either as Norse or Khorne based on the computer game. The Blood Seeker in the background has the detail between the horns removed. I did some unconventional mixing of the body pieces as well to add variation, the joints needed some work but I believe it gives a subtle variation to the poses between the four.

Khorne Blood Bowl Team Conversions 4
Here are some more head swaps. Arnulf (right) got an index finger and I shifed the hand into a more sensible pose after the weapons removal. There is a tiny Khorne symbol at the end of Karsus the Chained's chain instead of an axe (right background).

Khorne Chaos Space Marine Bits
I thought I'd do an easy head swap for two of my Bloodseekers.  I mean there are plenty of kits out there with Khorne dudes in ugly helmets. Wrathmongers, Mighty skullcrusher, Blood Warriors, at least one underworld box, the first Age of Sigmar box and potentially more. But whereever I go searching for bits, all the helmets are sold out but the other heads and bits are still in stock. What’s up with that?
What are people doing with the heads? Is it for 40k? If it is I'm stealing one back! I found this guy from some of the Space Marines I have inherited (see trade page if you want to relieve me of them). I chopped the chainsword off as well while I was at it. I can now convert it into a proper chainsaw.

Khorne Blood Bowl Team Conversions 5
Here we have the patient with his new helmet horns transplant done. I didn't get it quite right but hope that once painted up only I will know.

Khorne Blood Bowl Team Zenithal Highlight Top
I primed them and then did some Zenithal highlight. Looks alright in person, didn't know how to take pictures to show it off since it depends on what angle you look at.

Khorne Blood Bowl Team Zenithal Highlight Front
Front view, I added red to the shadows to give more of the warm bloody tone.

Khorne Blood Bowl Team Zenithal Highlight Low Angle
Low angle. Some of the faces look really good as they are, but I panicked a bit when I saw the date so just snapped some quick pictures to get this up before the end of the month.

Khorne Blood Bowl Team Zenithal Highlight Back
I've started to prep a lineman and a khorngor to try out colours since I haven't decided on colour scheme yet. I will try to do better for May and get some posts up and get some pictures of my sample models.
