
Displaying all 227 posts
The Doom Lords Chaos Chosen Blood Bowl Team2025-03-17blood bowl, chaos, in the box
Classic 2nd Edition Chaos Dwarfs2025-02-28blood bowl, chaos dwarfs, in the box
The Zharr-Naggrund Ziggurats Chaos-Dwarf Blood Bowl Team2025-01-31blood bowl, chaos dwarfs, in the box
Miniature Spike Magazine2024-12-23blood bowl, conversions, empire, humans, norse, objective markers, terrain
Blood Bowl Fit2024-11-22blood bowl, protip, reader communication, video
Orctober Black Orc Team being painted2024-10-25black orcs, blood bowl, painting, wip
Vampire team Vargheist/Vargskyr conversion2024-09-29blood bowl, conversions, vampire counts, wip
The Norsca Rampagers Norse Blood Bowl Team2024-08-30blood bowl, in the box, norse
Painting the Black Orc Team's Trained Troll2024-07-23black orcs, blood bowl, painting, trolls, wip
Blood Bowl Gnome Treeman2024-06-28blood bowl, gnomes, in the box
The Glimdwarrow Groundhogs Gnome Blood Bowl Team2024-05-31blood bowl, gnomes, in the box
Gnome Name Generator2024-04-26blood bowl, code, fluff, gnomes, reader communication
Dead computer and the Black Orcs2024-03-26black orcs, blood bowl, goblins, painting, reader communication, wip
Two Snotling teams finished2024-02-20blood bowl, conversions, snotlings, trolls
Trolls finished for the Blood Bowl Snotling teams2024-01-28blood bowl, conversions, painting, snotlings, trolls
Current Rate of Games-Workshop Blood Bowl Releases2023-12-23blood bowl, chaos dwarfs, conversions, goblins, humans, khorne, norse, orcs, painting, reader communication, sculpting, skaven, star players, trolls, wip
Snotling Pump Wagon finished & Trolls WIP2023-11-28blood bowl, conversions, painting, sculpting, snotlings, trolls, wip
The Drakfang Thirsters Vampire Blood Bowl Team2023-10-31blood bowl, in the box, vampire counts
The Wolfenburg Crypt-Stealers Necromantic Horror Blood Bowl Team2023-10-13blood bowl, in the box, necromantic
The Champions of Death Shambling Undead Blood Bowl Team2023-09-28blood bowl, in the box, undead
New Snotling Team Painted Positionals2023-08-28blood bowl, conversions, painting, snotlings
New Snotling Team Painted Linemen2023-07-25blood bowl, conversions, painting, snotlings
Blood Bowl Yhetee and Skrorg Snowpelt2023-06-25blood bowl, in the box, norse
Old School Snotling Team Painted Linemen2023-05-27blood bowl, conversions, objective markers, painting, snotlings
Old School Snotling Team Painted Positionals2023-04-29blood bowl, conversions, painting, snotlings, squigs
Blood Bowl Carrying Cases2023-03-24in the box, review, transportation
Heretic Astrates Name Generator Improvements2023-02-25code, reader communication, requests
Snotling Team Support Staff2023-01-22blood bowl, conversions, objective markers, snotlings, wip
Introduction2023-01-10conversions, lizardmen, reader communication
Snotling Teams Linemen2022-12-20blood bowl, conversions, snotlings, wip
Dungeon Bowl Death Match2022-12-14blood bowl, dungeon bowl, halflings, in the box, necromantic, protip, undead, wood elves
Snotling Teams Positionals2022-11-22blood bowl, conversions, sculpting, snotlings, squigs, trolls, wip
Oyumaru2022-11-13blood bowl, conversions, in the box, protip, review, sculpting, tools
Pump Wagon conversions2022-10-22battle for skull pass, blood bowl, conversions, sculpting, snotlings, wip
Bug Hunting!2022-10-10code, reader communication
The Bonehead Podcast Review2022-09-25blood bowl, review
New Sisters of Sigmar Name Generator2022-08-24blood bowl, code, painting, reader communication, wip
Paint Mixers Review2022-07-27in the box, painting, protip, review, tools
Blood Bowl Treeman2022-06-27blood bowl, halflings, in the box, wood elves
Khorne Blood Bowl Team Part II2022-05-31blood bowl, khorne, painting, wip
The Skull-Tribe Slaughterers Khorne Blood Bowl Team2022-05-20blood bowl, in the box, khorne
Garrek's Reavers2022-05-10age of sigmar, blood bowl, in the box, khorne
Khorne Blood Bowl Team2022-04-30blood bowl, conversions, khorne, wip
Shattered Dominion Objectives2022-03-27age of sigmar, in the box, objective markers, terrain
Tomb Kings Team Finished2022-03-20blood bowl, conversions, khemri
Home Made Dungeon Bowl Tiles Part I2022-02-22blood bowl, dungeon bowl, objective markers, terrain, wip
Dungeon Bowl2022-01-30blood bowl, dark elves, dungeon bowl, dwarfs, in the box, ogre kingdoms, skaven, terrain, warhammer quest
Blood Bowl Khemri Team part III2021-12-30blood bowl, conversions, khemri, sculpting, tools, wip
Blood Bowl Khemri Team Part II2021-11-23blood bowl, conversions, khemri, protip, wip
Blood Bowl Khemri Team2021-10-29blood bowl, conversions, in the box, khemri, protip, wip
I am Pleased to say2021-09-19blood bowl, chaos, reader communication
Snotling Team x2 Part II2021-08-26blood bowl, conversions, snotlings, wip
Hobby time management2021-07-30blood bowl, painting, reader communication, wip
Getting Started with an Airbrush2021-06-30blood bowl, in the box, painting, protip, review, tools, wip
That did come in handy!2021-05-31battle for skull pass, black orcs, blood bowl, conversions, goblins, snotlings, trolls, wip
Cursed City2021-04-30age of sigmar, reader communication, warhammer quest
Chaos Dwarf Team Part 32021-03-31blood bowl, chaos dwarfs, code, conversions, painting, reader communication
Coach Conversions and stuff2021-02-25black orcs, blood bowl, chaos, chaos dwarfs, conversions, dark elves, empire, goblins, halflings, humans, lizardmen, painting, silver tower, wip
Elven Union team finished2021-01-28blood bowl, conversions, elven union, painting
Black Orc Team2020-12-23black orcs, blood bowl, conversions, goblins, in the box, orcs, requests, star players, trolls, wip
Goblins Part III2020-11-30battle for skull pass, blood bowl, conversions, goblins, snotlings, trolls, wip
Carnosaur / Troglodon2020-10-31in the box, lizardmen
Massive Name Generator Update2020-09-29age of sigmar, code, fluff, reader communication, tools
Goblins Part II2020-08-31blood bowl, conversions, goblins, trolls, wip
Goblin Team2020-07-27blood bowl, goblins, wip
Jervis Johnson Blood Bowl Player Cost Formula2020-06-30blood bowl, reader communication, wip
Hefty and Catcher conversions2020-05-29blood bowl, conversions, halflings, wip
Halfling Team Finished!2020-05-22blood bowl, halflings, painting
Blood Bowl Sevens Pitch2020-04-24blood bowl, terrain
Dark Elves team finished2020-03-31bases, blood bowl, conversions, dark elves
Terradon Riders / Ripperdactyl Riders2020-02-24in the box, lizardmen
Gwaka'moli Crater Gators2020-01-31blood bowl, in the box, lizardmen
Trade2019-12-31blood bowl, chaos dwarfs, chaos renegades, dwarfs, halflings, high elves, lizardmen, orcs, reader communication, skarsnik, star players, vampire counts, warhammer quest
Both Down Podcast Review2019-11-30blood bowl, fluff, review
De-spruing2019-10-31blood bowl, chaos, chaos dwarfs, conversions, dark elves, goblins, in the box, star players, underworld denizens
Warhammer Quest Silver Tower2019-09-29age of sigmar, chaos, in the box, silver tower, video, warhammer quest
Chaos before Order2019-08-31conversions, giant, goblins, reader communication, sculpting, undead, wip
The Greenfield Grasshuggers2019-07-29blood bowl, conversions, halflings, in the box, wip, wood elves
Planning out the Swift Twins2019-06-30blood bowl, conversions, elven union, star players, wip
Looncurse2019-05-30age of sigmar, goblins, in the box, squigs, wood elves
Blood Bowl at Warhammer World2019-04-30blood bowl, chaos, dark elves, elven union, goblins, humans, orcs, skaven, star players, undead, underworld denizens
Elven Union team2019-03-25blood bowl, conversions, elven union, wip
Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire – Ironskull’s Boyz2019-02-21blood bowl, conversions, in the box, orcs
Cheerleaders2019-01-15blood bowl, dark elves, dwarfs, elven union, in the box, orcs, wood elves
Close, but no cigar2018-12-31fluff, reader communication, wip
Timeline II2018-11-29blood bowl, fluff, wip
Forge World2018-10-31blood bowl, chaos dwarfs, dwarfs, goblins, halflings, in the box, ogre kingdoms, orcs, star players
Shop displays2018-09-17age of sigmar, blood bowl, conversions, daemons of chaos, dwarfs, elven union, objective markers, ogre kingdoms, orcs, painting, stormcast, terrain, undead, vampire counts, warriors of chaos, wolves, wood elves
Joseph Bugman IV & V2018-08-14blood bowl, dwarfs, in the box, star players
Timeline work2018-07-26fluff, wip
Joseph Bugman II & III2018-07-09dwarfs, in the box
Treemen WIP2018-06-28blood bowl, conversions, halflings, wip, wood elves
Kurnoth Hunters2018-06-11blood bowl, halflings, in the box, wood elves
Dwarf Team2018-05-31battle for skull pass, blood bowl, conversions, dwarfs, wip
Joseph Bugman2018-05-10blood bowl, dwarfs, in the box
Odds and Ends2018-04-22blood bowl, conversions, lizardmen, sculpting, wip
Games Day 2006 - Daemon Slayer2018-04-17blood bowl, dwarfs, in the box
Snotlings2018-03-27blood bowl, conversions, ogre kingdoms, sculpting, snotlings, wip
The Dwarf Giants2018-03-11blood bowl, dwarfs, in the box
Lizardmen team finished2018-02-19bases, blood bowl, conversions, lizardmen, painting, star players
The Elfheim Eagles2018-02-08blood bowl, elven union, in the box
Halflings2018-01-25blood bowl, halflings, in the box
Dark Elves Part III2018-01-07blood bowl, dark elves, painting, wip
Skavenblight Scramblers2017-12-29blood bowl, in the box, skaven
Dark Elves Part II2017-12-22blood bowl, conversions, dark elves, painting, wip
4th Edition Lizardmen Team2017-11-22blood bowl, conversions, lizardmen, sculpting, star players
The Scarcrag Snivellers2017-11-11blood bowl, goblins, in the box
Team Tokens2017-10-28blood bowl, chaos renegades, conversions, dark elves, sculpting, underworld denizens, wip
Militarum Auxilla Bullgryns2017-09-14blood bowl, in the box, ogre kingdoms
Dark Elves Blood Bowl Team2017-08-20blood bowl, conversions, dark elves, sculpting, wip
Dark Eldar Wyches2017-08-10blood bowl, dark elves, in the box
Witch Elves2017-07-29blood bowl, dark elves, in the box
Chaos Dwarf Team Part 22017-07-20blood bowl, chaos dwarfs, conversions, sculpting, wip
Beginners Guides/Tutorials to Blood Bowl2017-07-14blood bowl, video
Chaos Dwarf team WIP2017-06-21blood bowl, chaos dwarfs, conversions, in the box, wip
Ball handling!2017-05-28blood bowl, conversions, goblins, orcs, sculpting, transportation, wip
Thieving Grots2017-04-22blood bowl, in the box, orcs, snotlings
50,000 pageviews special: Warhammer World2017-03-31age of sigmar, blood bowl, bretonnia, dark elves, dwarfs, goblins, lizardmen, ogre kingdoms, orcs, silver tower, skaven, snotlings, stormcast, vampire counts, warhammer quest, warriors of chaos
Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower2017-02-27battle for skull pass, daemons of chaos, goblins, silver tower, warhammer quest, warriors of chaos
Blood Bowl Box Set2017-01-24blood bowl, in the box, orcs, squigs
Blood Bowl Pics2016-12-21blood bowl, lizardmen, norse, orcs, skaven, stormcast, wood elves
Pumpkins2016-11-30bases, objective markers, painting, terrain, wip
Halloween Special2016-10-29sculpting, terrain, wip
Age of Sigmar Battle Report Sort of Part II2016-09-25age of sigmar, armylist, battle for skull pass, goblins, squigs, stormcast
Age of Sigmar Battle Report Sort of2016-08-22age of sigmar, armylist, battle for skull pass, goblins, squigs, stormcast
Warp Lightning Cannon / Plagueclaw Catapult2016-07-21in the box, skaven
Pump Wagon nr. 2 Part III2016-06-20conversions, sculpting, skaven, snotlings, wip
100th post special2016-05-29battle for skull pass, conversions, goblins, painting, sculpting, snotlings, squigs, wip
Structural Reinforcement2016-04-29conversions, protip, sculpting, snotlings, wip
Games Day 20072016-03-31blood bowl, conversions, in the box, orcs, snotlings, wip
Blood Bowl2016-02-24battle for skull pass, blood bowl, conversions, goblins
Through the storm of nothingness he fell2016-01-26goblins, painting, snotlings, vampire counts
Chaos Warhounds2015-12-05in the box, reader communication, warriors of chaos
Electronic Tinkering2015-11-20conversions, goblins, unit filler, wip
Ironblaster / Scraplauncher2015-11-05in the box, ogre kingdoms
Keister Stash2015-10-20conversions, goblins, unit filler, wip
Dwarf Miners2015-10-05dwarfs, in the box
Back To School2015-09-20conversions, goblins, unit filler, wip
Snotling Pump Wagon & Misc2015-09-05goblins, high elves, in the box, objective markers, snotlings, squigs
Live Under A Rock2015-08-20conversions, goblins, unit filler, wip
Fortified Manor2015-08-05in the box, terrain
Trolls and Skies the Prequel2015-07-20battle for skull pass, conversions, goblins, sculpting, trolls, wip
Skarsnik, Warlord of the Eight Peaks2015-07-05goblins, in the box, skarsnik, squigs
Fenrisian Wolves2015-06-20in the box, wolves
Trolls and Skies2015-06-05battle for skull pass, conversions, goblins, sculpting, trolls, wip
Skiers continued2015-05-25conversions, goblins, sculpting, wip
Dice Tin Hacks2015-04-22conversions, goblins, wip
Seven Angels with Seven Trumpets2015-03-21battle for skull pass, conversions, goblins, sculpting, unit filler, wip
CSS Monkey Business2015-02-25dwarfs, halflings, wip
Valentine Cards2015-02-11valentine
Stonehorn Thundertusk2015-01-30in the box, ogre kingdoms, storm of magic
Name Generators Alpha 0.12014-12-21blood bowl, bretonnia, daemons of chaos, dwarfs, empire, fluff, goblins, halflings, high elves, lizardmen, ogre kingdoms, reader communication, skaven, snotlings, vampire counts, warriors of chaos, wip, wood elves
Name Generators Progress Rapport2014-11-19daemons of chaos, fluff, goblins, lizardmen, ogre kingdoms, reader communication, snotlings, wip
In the Cradle2014-10-28battle for skull pass, conversions, ogre kingdoms, trolls, wip
Orc boar chariot2014-09-30in the box, orcs
Nagash in detail2014-08-27in the box, undead, vampire counts
Quotes, Snow Angels and Ice fishing2014-07-31conversions, goblins, unit filler, wip
Cyclops & Shrooms2014-06-21battle for skull pass, conversions, goblins, objective markers, sculpting, video, wip
Cyclops and the Griffon2014-05-28battle for skull pass, conversions, goblins, sculpting, wip
Skullvane Manse, Lair of the Astromancer2014-04-30in the box, terrain
Newark2014-03-30reader communication, transportation
Valentine Special2014-02-13sculpting, valentine
Photos, so many photos2014-01-26battle for skull pass, empire, goblins, snotlings, squigs
Have a pic2013-12-31
Scraplauncher2013-11-30battle for skull pass, conversions, goblins, in the box, ogre kingdoms, snotlings
2000p Blue Herd Army List2013-11-15armylist
Game :O2013-10-31battle for skull pass, chimera, conversions, goblins, painting, squigs, storm of magic, terrain, wip
Wargaming Stigma2013-09-30reader communication
Winter Troll2013-09-21blood bowl, in the box, lizardmen, trolls
Rachmaninoff had big hands2013-08-29conversions, daemons of chaos, in the box, sculpting, storm of magic, terrain, vampire counts
Fiddling Around2013-07-30conversions, dark elves, storm of magic, terrain
Garden of Morr and Shady Marketing2013-06-26in the box, terrain, vampire counts
May contain peanuts2013-05-21battle for skull pass, conversions, goblins, painting, sculpting
Chimera, The Unveiling2013-04-28chimera, in the box, storm of magic, warriors of chaos
Reverse Engineering Sort Of2013-03-15in the box, terrain
Fulcrums on Blue Tablecloth2013-02-24in the box, storm of magic, terrain
Gamers Valentines Gifts2013-02-05painting, sculpting, terrain, valentine
Dice Tower2013-01-28terrain
Hedera helix2012-12-31bases, terrain
So sorry2012-11-30battle for skull pass, goblins, squigs
2000p Skarsnik Armylist2012-06-25armylist
Battle postponed due to Zombies2012-06-23battle for skull pass, goblins, requests
Some cutting & converting2012-06-22battle for skull pass, conversions, goblins, sculpting
Request2012-06-07goblins, requests
Drowning2012-05-27battle for skull pass, conversions, goblins, objective markers, sculpting
Shopping2012-05-08squigs, terrain
Snowman Herders2012-04-26conversions, sculpting, snotlings, unit filler, wip
No internet connection :(2012-03-06conversions, sculpting, snotlings, wip
Some Painting2012-02-14battle for skull pass, conversions, goblins, painting, sculpting, unit filler, wip
All things Green2012-02-08battle for skull pass, conversions, goblins, skarsnik, squigs, wip
In the Mail2012-01-27goblins, in the box, painting, squigs
Battle of the Greenskins (and the former greenskins...)2012-01-22battle for skull pass, goblins, skarsnik, squigs, trolls
The Curse of the Chickens2011-12-30fluff
The eve of battle2011-12-28bases, goblins, squigs
Pink Self Locking Tweezers...2011-11-22conversions, goblins, unit filler
Comparison of the Battle for Skull Pass and the Night Goblin Box2011-11-11battle for skull pass, goblins, in the box
In the Box: Battle for Skull Pass2011-10-05battle for skull pass, dwarfs, goblins, in the box, trolls
In the Box: Night Goblins2011-10-04goblins, in the box
Squig conversion2011-09-29battle for skull pass, conversions, goblins, squigs, wip
Playing with Green Stuff2011-09-27battle for skull pass, conversions, goblins, wip
Battle for skull pass weapon swap2011-09-26battle for skull pass, conversions, goblins, wip
Battle for skull pass conversion2011-09-25battle for skull pass, conversions, goblins
Soon to be blue2011-09-18goblins, in the box, skarsnik, snotlings, squigs
Rival tribe2011-09-14goblins
"Bits and bobs"2011-08-20blood bowl, conversions, daemons of chaos, lizardmen, trolls
Gothenburg2011-08-15conversions, giant, goblins, snotlings, squigs
Dwarf captive2011-08-07conversions, goblins, unit filler
Snowman painted2011-07-29conversions, sculpting, squigs, unit filler, wip
Short update2011-07-28terrain
Blue Mushrooms Purple Moon2011-07-26battle for skull pass, terrain
Sculpting2011-07-23battle for skull pass, conversions, goblins, sculpting, squigs, unit filler, wip
Terrain thoughts2011-07-22terrain
Vip, no. Whipped, maybe but not what I meant. Simply wip gobbos2011-07-19battle for skull pass, conversions, goblins, snotlings, video, wip
More metal2011-07-16goblins, in the box, snotlings, vampire counts
Snow drifts2011-07-11bases, battle for skull pass, conversions, goblins, unit filler, wip
The Artifacts of the Northern Trading Route2011-06-24fluff
Gotta catch em all2011-06-23conversions, squigs
Incoming2011-06-23goblins, squigs
Pic2011-06-22goblins, orcs, snotlings, squigs
Shields2011-04-16battle for skull pass, goblins
New pics2011-04-06battle for skull pass, goblins, snotlings, squigs
Red + Blue = Purple2011-04-05battle for skull pass, goblins, squigs
Conversion idée2011-04-03conversions, trolls
trolls2011-04-01battle for skull pass, blood bowl, conversions, trolls
expanding army2011-03-29goblins, in the box
Colour test2011-03-28goblins, orcs, snotlings
My army blog2011-03-26