Classic 2nd Edition Chaos Dwarfs

Just after Christmas Games Workshop put up some second edition Blood Bowl models as made to order. These were remakes of models originally released in 1989, I'm assuming along side the Star Player expansion. 

The made to order models appeared without any forewarning and disappeared as quickly. I managed to snag these and some 2nd Edition Humans and some Halflings too. Sadly they didn't make any Human Blitzers though, which were the models I really wanted. 

Blood Bowl Classic 2nd Edition Chaos Dwarfs Box

The models I did manage to get my hands on came in these small square clam packs with some 32mm Blood Bowl bases strewn on top of the models.

Blood Bowl Classic 2nd Edition Chaos Dwarfs Front 1

First three dwarfs. It's hard to see but these models have some nice features. The guy to the left has goat legs. The dwarf to the right has a chain mail sock.

Blood Bowl Classic 2nd Edition Chaos Dwarfs Back 1

First three seen from behind. Avid readers know my dislike for permanent balls on the models, however, in this instance, with such rare models,  it feels sacrilegious to consider chopping it off. 

Blood Bowl Classic 2nd Edition Chaos Dwarfs Side 1

From the side trying to show off the goat legs.

Blood Bowl Classic 2nd Edition Chaos Dwarfs Front 2

Second batch. These all have normal boots as opposed to fancy feet. I haven't removed all the flash from the air vents, so ignore the thin spike sticking out from the gloves and feet on the dwarf to the left and the head on the dwarf to the right.

Blood Bowl Classic 2nd Edition Chaos Dwarfs Back 2

Second batch from behind. There are no Hobgoblins to go with these as, in 2nd edition, the Chaos Dwarf team roster was identical to the Dwarf team roster. The only difference being that one or two of the players could be replaced by Mutants and could include Chaos Dwarf Firethrowers if the Coach wished. 

I wasn't sure what the Firethrowers were, but after some research, astonishingly it seems that Games Workshop never actually made created rules for them despite that they are explicitly mentioned in the team roster! It seems plausible to me that they have been the seed for the Flamesmiths of today however. 

Blood Bowl Classic 2nd Edition Chaos Dwarfs Scale

Here you can see a scale comparison. 2nd edition models are on either end,  3rd edition on middle left and current 2020 edition on the middle right.
