I'm taking a look at the Chaos Dwarf team, the most recent 'Team of Legends' teams to receive a revamp from Games Workshop. We're still waiting on the High Elves and Tomb Kings of Khemri. I'm still holding out hope that Games Workshop makes a new team that is clearly a reskin of Slann but now is not the time for that tangent.
The Chaos Dwarf hayday may have come to a close now they have lost the tackle skill and two of their six blockers. In their place is the new position of Flame Smith with the brawler skill instead of block. Chaos Dwarfs were in need of being brought down a bit as they were outperforming the other races, but this will come as a blow to those who have grown comfortable with the Chaos Dwarf's reliability.
The other new team position is the Hobgoblin Sneaky Stabba, a hobgoblin with stab and shadowing similar to the dark elf assassin. I wish they had made the Flame Smith and the Sneaky Stabba a bit cheaper because now they are a bit too expensive to be put in a fun roster for playing around with.
Front of the box. This brings the chaos dwarfs in line with Forge World's design aesthetic and as such will fit well with the chaos dwarf wizard from forge world. If you want to compare the new team aesthetic to the old 3rd edition team here is an 'in the box' of that team. I will do some scale comparisons further down.
Back of the box.
The packaging's easter egg seemed a little underwhelming for this team. It is still a fun detail on the pull tab rather than leaving it blank as they used to, but I expected something more playful and in line with the little embers with faces on them or something of that ilk.
It comes with a mix of bases. Slotta and non-slotta. Hobgoblin Lineman #3 and Hobgoblin Sneaky Stabba both have their two feet separate from their legs, positioned on a slottabar, while the remaining figures come with flat feet for a plain base.
Sprue side 1. Well packed, each model has a choice of two faces. (One dwarf has a choice of two beards but the same face.)
Other side of the sprues.
How do they hold up against Gary Morley's 3rd edition sculpts released in 1994? The 3rd edition dwarves were 53% hat and 100% character, while these fancy modern sculpts are a measly 30% hat. The new plastics are really good sculpts, modern standards and proportions but I still prefer the old hats.
The new hobgoblins. If I wanted to play my 3rd edition team with the new rules and include a Sneaky Stabba, I could buy the old hobgoblin sneaky stabba models from Warhammer fantasy battle. However it wouldn't be hard to add some knives myself to two of this team's pre-existing hobgoblins. Similarly, I could create the Flame Smiths by adding some arms with specific detailing, utilising the work I've already done on creating two dwarves with magnetised hands/arms allowing for mutations. This isn't not my top priority though, as neither of these positionals seem that good to me.
This surprised me, the balls are minuscule. Don't know if they scaled them down for balancing of the sprue? I even got out one of the dwarf balls to check that it wasn't some attempt to suggest that the dwarfs use scaled-downed balls.
Team Transfers Decals
Assembly instructions and rules for the team. Pages 1 and 8.
Assembly instructions pages 2 - 3.
Assembly instructions pages 4 - 5.
Assembly instructions pages 6 - 7.
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