Dark Elves Part II

Part I | Part III | Part IV
Haven't painted properly in a long time but it's rewarding being back even though I'm a bit rusty. These are the very first "human like" models I ever painted. Only done goblins, orcs, squigs, lizardmen and such. I started on my wood elves but never got to the skin and such.

Here are the first 5, 11 to go but they are on their way.

They aren't golden deamon but far better than bare plastic. Will do fine on the table. Think I should 'ardcoat them or seal them when they got their numbers painted on. So that the paint won't rub off from use.
Witch Elves

Being the first human like models I found out about the struggles of faces, eyes and hair.
It probably would have been better to do the hair with a wash or something but feeling a bit rushed trying to finish this team before new year I just bashed on with what I've done before.
More scantily clad players.
Vials for potions and some mysterious goldish container and other stuff. Was thinking about painting the cloth ribbons with special colours referencing skills since so many models have these cloth bits but not sure if it's all that practical anymore.
On to the a bit more controversial piece. Was quite sure I wouldn't include  a assassin but after hearing "Anything but a one" talk about dark elves and recommending taking one or two for them being a fun piece to play with. I got a bit more welcoming.
Bit unclear if it's suppose to be a vial at his belt but painted it blue to add a bit more colour rather than more brown.

Not sure what I'll do about the bases but will I'll ask the coach and figure it out when the rest of the players are done.
