Team Tokens

As said many times before I'm not a fan of duplicates. The teams comes with two of the team tokens so there is one that won't be used. When I saw Forge Worlds Chaos Renegades and Underworld Denizens tokens, I felt that it was a bit of a cheap out, and they charged quite a lot for what work they had put in. As a challenge to see how hard it would be I tried to replicate them, not to minute details but a general impression.

Not a fan of their flat mushrooms so I made mine a bit more meaty. Left the armour on the arm felt that sculpting the fur was more effort than it was worth. But added spikes on the top bit like the bracelet in forge worlds.
The warp stone bits at the ground was more pain than I expected. Tried making them out of leftover sprue bits but they ended up a to narrow and got a bit cluttered when encircle the arm. Made some bigger once out of erasers and left it at that.
I struggle keeping the straps sticking to the plastic so a lot of superglue splashed around at this one. Where worrying about keeping the straps straight and sharp. Later I saw that forge worlds weren't that much better.
Should have done smaller rivets on the arrow and stuff but I used what I got at home, could have done it out of green stuff but felt this was good enough.
Put all on bases because it's a joke trying to keep them standing without a base.
Wasn't sure how I felt about all these arms sticking up. They have started to grow on me and it is nice with the consistency.
That said I'm not going trying to sculpt a elf arm from scratch so this is the team marker for the Dark elves, until they get released. Going to try to freehand their logo on to the banners.
There isn't much holding the pieces together so I'm slightly concern about the durability.

I might pick up the dwarf box just to get the token and the balls and sell of the team since I already got a team in the works. Might be able to do something chaos dwarfy out of one of the tokens. My current plan is a standard bearer so more in lines with the dark elves token.


  1. Love the mushroom marker, much better looking than the original IMO.



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