Ironblaster / Scraplauncher

Dual plastic kit. A lot of bits as usual with Ogres. Bought this to convert into a Pump Wagon.

Front of the box showing of the Ironblaster
The back showing the Scraplauncher.
If you are interested in the old metal Scraplauncher I got an in the box for that over Here.
So haven't decided what to do with my spare ogres but they probably come handy when least expected.
Other side
You know the drill, front
Here are the main body. Got a bit sad about it, with all the bits you get overwhelmed with detail but without any bits there isn't much to the wagon. Don't get me wrong There are loads of details and quite nifty what they used but it's quite flat.
I will probably build an extra floor too it may try to copy the really old Pump Wagon.
Got a bit carried away and tried to put the cannon together before I to the pictures.
The Sabertusk skin is really nice, don't know how easy it will be to use for something else though
Thorough instructions
And the other side.
