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Marktag the 18th of Pflugzeit, 2505
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Perfect Conditions for Blood Bowl, neither too cold nor too hot. It's a warm, dry and slightly overcast day.
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The highest pogo ever is a disputed call between Lowdown Rats' Ardo Snakebite and the Evil Gits' Dag Gobguzzla. The Rats' claim comes from a match against the Gouged Eye when Ardo pogoed into a trampoline pit; he was later found outside the stadium embedded to the waist in a cess pit – unfortunately, this lucky soft-landing did Ardo no good as he landed head-first and quickly died of suffocation. Gobguzzla, on the other hand, was propelled high above the field of play by landing on a concealed mine during a game with the Warhammerers. The Gits maintain that some parts of Gobguzzla went far higher than any part of Snakebite – the Rats counter that on average Gobguzzla did not attain the record-breaking height as most of his bodily organs failed to even leave the arena and ended up splattered all over the jubilant fans. Neither Ardo nor Dag were available for further comment.