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Welcome to Iaryn Under Dome today is
Marktag the 18th of Pflugzeit, 2505
. The weather is:
Perfect Conditions for Blood Bowl, neither too cold nor too hot. It's a warm, dry and slightly overcast day.
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It issa mucha disputed as to what are da besta weapons fora making de siege. You gotta de stona throwers anna de bolt throwers, anna all kinda cannons. Gunpowder is a grayta invention. Iffy you can getta holda of a few mortars or bombards, you canna make de big holes in de walls. But you gotta have de right ammunition. So, a stona thrower canna be justa as good. For ammunition, you can digga uppa de rocks an' the de stones, or use de big balls, or you can shoot dayd peoples over the wall to make the place stink. You canna even maka de spaghetti and shoota dat, or de razor-edged pizza.