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Marktag the 18th of Pflugzeit, 2505
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Perfect Conditions for Blood Bowl, neither too cold nor too hot. It's a warm, dry and slightly overcast day.
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Nothing else more personifies the deadly threat posed by Chaos to the Empire. Should you ever have the misfortune of encountering a Daemonette of the Lord of Pleasure, you can quite understand—if not forgive—why so many otherwise upstanding citizens allow themselves to be corrupted by the forces of Chaos. All of us have our secret desires, and the Daemons know how to draw those desires out into the open: those of the Keeper of Secrets playing on hedonism and lust, those of the Blood God offering martial prowess and the power of revenge, and those of the Changer of the Ways granting mastery of sorcery. The Father of Corruption is somewhat different, appealing to those who have seen the horror of plague and would prefer to embrace it rather than suffer it themselves. The only way to resist the corrupting power of Chaos is to scourge out our secret desires by whatever means we can; a life of asceticism and contemplation or a life dedicated to warring on Chaos wherever it is found are the two best methods. If you cannot cast out your secret desires, if you do give in to the dark temptations of They that are not Named, rest assured that we will find you and stamp out your corruption by our own methods.