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Marktag the 18th of Pflugzeit, 2505
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Perfect Conditions for Blood Bowl, neither too cold nor too hot. It's a warm, dry and slightly overcast day.
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For there is a secret here, one of great and powerful purpose. There has never been a report of a mutated Great Eagle, not in all the days of the Empire. Considering the affinity that the Changer of the Ways has for birds of prey, one would think that twisting some of them to his will would be almost inevitable, yet it seems to never have happened. I know of only one explanation and it is old indeed. Several engraved plaques taken from Lustria I believe, rest within the Imperial treasury. They are inscribed with an ancient tale regarding the Great Eagles and a group of beings that supposedly predate Men. The eagles were supposedly the heralds of these 'old ones' entrusted to carry their words to the far corners of the world. They were given many gifts in order to aid in their task as well as, and this is a rough translation mind you, 'great power against dark forces'. A child's fairy tale, perhaps, but someone thought enough of the tale to inscribe it upon solid gold.