All things Green

Started painting on my Gobbo Link from the Legend of Zelda. Got the idea from a the triforce piece found in the Lizardmen Stegadon box.
Again with less flash.
Later I'll try to make him a (or hints of a) nice Hylian Shield without doing too much changes to the Night Goblin shield.
Tried to get a shot at the miscast on the rope on the Rock Lobber.
It was however an easy fix just filled in the space with some greenstuff.
Again with no flash.
And some greenstuff in front to fill the gap and help to hold the weight.
Tried to make some goblin skid marks.
Filled the gap between the lower jaw and upper jaw. And between the legs and the main body.
Other side
Blood Letter Fanatic casualty. The legs been repositioned to look like he's falling backwards.

From behind.
