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Welcome to Iaryn Under Dome today is
Marktag the 18th of Pflugzeit, 2505
. The weather is:
Pouring Rain, torrential downpour soaking anyone still out there waiting to get in.
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If ever there was a reason not to camp by the water, it's those bloody blobs! A few years back, when I was just like you - young, stupid - I was travelling to Talabheim with a couple of… friends. Anyway, we found this quiet spot on the bank of the Talabec and set up camp. Fiezel took first watch as we kipped by the fire. Problem was, he never woke anyone up. Next morning there was a blob where Fiezel should have been. You could see bits of him in it. Half melted like cheese on toasted bread. It was horrible. We killed it - burned it - but that didn't bring Fiezel back…