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Marktag the 18th of Pflugzeit, 2505
. The weather is:
Perfect Conditions for Blood Bowl, neither too cold nor too hot. It's a warm, dry and slightly overcast day.
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Two nights in a row, they have come to test our defences and not found us wanting. It is well that the trees around the town were felled. This has proven to be a killing ground for our archers and handgunners.
With brazen horn blasts, the beasts announced their comming last night. I could hear their horrible voices, guttural and low, but there were words in the growling - although I could not understand them.
Despite our sleepless night, the morning broke fair, and crews ventured out to clear the dead. Well over a dozen of the foul creatures have been counted. Some are large with great horns. All are to be burned on the bonfires.
The beasts have the low cunning to surround us, but our stake walls have vexed them. I'm hoping a force from the fort should investigate any day now. They will clear the roads, and it will be safe again soon.
We have gathered what food we could from outlaying areas and stocked it in the Red Wolf Inn. I have supervised this. During an attack, this Inn is the meeting spot for those who cannot defend the walls. I myself have kept an eye on the poor souls who gather here during the nights. Why did I ever come to this forsaken forest?
— from the Journal of Bürgermeister Nusbaum Year 6. Day 53