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Are they in truth the souls of the departed, bound yet to our world by the evil Necromancy of these Vampire Counts, or are they no more than echoes of the people who once walked these lands, echoes given power and form and some kind of twisted life? It is impossible for any scholar to be certain. My own church insists that any Spirit is no more than an echo; the final remnant of the deceased even after the actual soul has passed on to the next world. As a scientist and scholar, I cannot be so certain. I have seen these things in Sylvania, even attempted to speak with them, but the response was nothing more than an incoherent gabble. My conclusion is that they are most likely to be no more than echoes, for that reason; after all, one would expect a soul to be more intelligent and useful. Still, it is certainly not completely implausible that a more detailed study will discover the true perspicacity of Spirits; perhaps their souls have been damaged in the process of becoming one of the Undead, in which case it is eminently plausible that there is nothing more than this; that once we die, we go to nothingness, if we are not kept chained to our earthly life by these wicked necromancers.