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Backertag the 19th of Pflugzeit, 2505
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Perfect Conditions for Blood Bowl, neither too cold nor too hot. It's a warm, dry and slightly overcast day.
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At first I thought it was a wolf, come to feed on the dead, but it was no get of Ulric. It hissed as I came near, but instead of running as any natural creature might, it gathered itself and charged me. Yellowed incisors the size of daggers and mad red eyes gleamed in my torch's light as it rushed across the battlefield toward me. I barely had time to ready my sword before it was upon me. It fought heedless of its own life and even though I managed to cut it deeply several times, I don't think it was the wounds that caused it to drop, just the loss of blood. It its dying throes it had managed to bite my leg, even though its teeth had to pierce chain to do so. The wound went bad so swiftly that I almost lost the leg. If not for a daughter of Shallya, I might have lost my life.