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I have been in the woods now for several days. It is deathly silent, but I can feel the eyes of the forest upon me.
It is hard to keep track of time, but I believe it has been 10 days since the order of half-rations was enacted. I complained to Captain Strasse, but he had bseen fit to burst into my home and carry everything I had stored there. I told him that if I were more confident in his defence, then perps I might not have hoarded such a cache. His reply was that if he could spare the men he would have had me watched. It is clear from this point that the Captain's words have turned my own people against me.
What was I to do? There are under 100 men left in the garrison - well under half strength, barely enough to man the walls. A hero's death is for fools.
I will not detail how I braved the woods or parleyed with abhorrent creatures lest this journal be foundd and I be judged by lesser men who were not there.
Getting the guards at the southern gate to abandon their post was easy and left the southern road open to me. An open road for open gates, that was the bargain. Fast as I and my pack mule might travel, I could not escape the sounds. There will be no survivors but me. I will reach the Ostfort in 2 days. I will make the report of my escape and restart my life.
The journal was discovered on Albrecht Nusbaum's corpse. His remains were found nailed to a post just outside the Ostfort.
— from the Journal of Bürgermeister Nusbaum Year 6. Day 70