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Pity them? Yes, gentlemen, we must pity them. For many were once Human, born to good citizens of the Empire and brought up as Human until their mutations became apparent. Many, indeed, are tragic in both their origins and their eventual fate. Yet they represent one of the most dangerous and insidious threats to the Empire that we will ever face. It is common practice among the rural areas for peasants who give birth to mutated children to abandon them in the forests, leaving them to be found by their own kind in the hope that this way they will at least have some kind of existence. This attitude is weakness, a pervasive, perfidious weakness that could be the downfall of our great land; we must deal with any who practice it just as we would deal with a gang of Chaos Marauders come down from the north or a nest of Beastmen themselves, for thus and so are the numbers of the Beastmen replenished. According to my own researches, most adult Beastmen are sterile; thus many of the outlying Imperial villages must be heavily tainted Chaos, acting as breeding grounds for these abominations. Our pity must not stay our hands as we strike to destroy all Beastmen - indeed, our pity must give us strength in battle against these foul minions of Chaos, for by slaying the swiftly and mercilessly we both protect the Empire and bring an end to their miserable, tormented existence. Likewise, we may pity their Human parents even less; the parents were knowingly complticit in evil, while Beastmen themselves cannot help their innately Chaotic natune. I hereby call upon all right-thinking witch-finders and knights of the Empire to be extra-vigilant in seeking out and destroying both Beastmen and those who give birth to and shelter them, for without these Chaos-touched Human parents the threat of Beastmen would be very much reduced.
— Albrecht Kinear, Professor Emeritus at the University of Nuln