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Marktag the 18th of Pflugzeit, 2505
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It is no disease, it is a birthright or, some might say, a curse. Peasants will tell you that the bite of the Werebeast is infectious, carrying with it the possibility of becoming a changer as well. Less informed scholars refer to this so-called affliction as 'lycanthropy' and seek to treat it with various herbs, including the poisonous wolvesbane. Rubbish, I say. Those who manage to survive the attacks of a Werewolf and then go on to become one themselves already had the blood of shifters in their family line. The attack merely awakens what was already within them, stirring it up to the surface. I don't believe there is necessarily anything inherently evil in being shape strong; I think it hearkens back to older times and perhaps earlier faiths. In the legends surrounding the time of Sigmar, there are references to the Cherusens, one of the original twelve great founding tribes, as not only being master hunters, but also having the ability to 'run with wolves'. Conservative thinking states that this is merely a veiled allusion to their skill as beast tamers, but I think not.