It was the largest living creature that I've ever encountered and I've travelled farther than most men can dream. It was all muscle and scale; none of its mass was given over to fat in any way that I could discern. It moved with such deadly grace that, even though Varek's valiant final attack had deeply wounded it, it still slid across the floor of the cavern with a smooth undulation that knew no pause. Its leathern wings were held fast against its body in the close confines of the cave, though they flexed a little as it reared to face us. Its claws were longer than a man is tall, the smallest of its teeth the length of a forearm. Its tail was a razored weapon of flesh and serrated bone. I could smell the stink of Warpstone on its breath, the whole of its lair reeked of it. Its eyes glowed with madness and hatred. Every instinct that I possessed told me to flee screaming, away from it. Had I not the misfortune of once facing a Greater Daemon of Chaos, I would've sworn to Sigmar that it was the most frightening creature I have ever fought. As it was, it came in a very close second.
— Felix Jaeger from My Travels With Gotrek, Vol III (Altdorf Press, 2505)