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Marktag the 18th of Pflugzeit, 2505
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Perfect Conditions for Blood Bowl, neither too cold nor too hot. It's a warm, dry and slightly overcast day.
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Whether Snotlings truly are infant Goblins and Orcs, or whether they are simply the smallest and most degenerate of the Greenskin species, is still a matter that is very much open to debate. Certainly they closely resemble the larger Greenskins, but that could be the case whichever theory is true. They Orcs and Goblins barely acknowledge their existence other than to give them a beating every now and again, and certainly have no interest in debating where they come from, but once more, for a Greenskin that might be an equally appropriate attitude to have towards one's children as towards a related but essentially inferior species. The only way to resolve the matter with any certainty is to capture a swarm of Snotlings and keep them well fed, watching over the years to determine if they grow into Goblins and perhaps even into Orcs.