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Welcome to Iaryn Under Dome today is
Marktag the 18th of Pflugzeit, 2505
. The weather is:
Perfect Conditions for Blood Bowl, neither too cold nor too hot. It's a warm, dry and slightly overcast day.
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There is no trainer in this world, no matter how skilled or cruel, that can break a Unicorn or get one to accept a saddle. Unicorns are proud creatures; they will literally lie down upon the sod and die before carrying a rider without their willing consent. Legend states that they will only suffer the 'pure' to ride them, which many suggest must mean only those whose chastity remains intact, yet there are tales of Unicorns bearing brave wounded knights to safety, knights who were certainly not innocent. I suspect that Unicorns judge each by their own merits, which suggests to me that they are far more than merely unusual animals. But whatever else they may be, they are always wild.