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Attend my story well and you may learn why I deem that above all things knowledge is power. Many years ago, back when I was naught but a freshly graduated journeyman, there was a terrible incursion of Chaos from the north. A series of swiftly moving war bands were decimating the towns and making travel all but impossible. The Emperor called for volunteers to stand against the brigands and specifically asked for members of the Wizardly colleges to join the crusade. I fell in with a rowdy bunch, each of us eager to prove ourselves and represent our orders well. Among my companions was an arrogant third son of a noble named Ulamar von Carroburg from the Celestial Order. Ulamar made a point of snubbing the rest of us, declaring that the stars foretold that he would play a most significant part in our upcoming struggle, which was eventually to prove all too true. At first we fought in a number of small skirmishes, acquitting ourselves well, until the day that our General finally brought the foe to battle on an open plain and we learned that we were indeed dealing with far more than mere raiders. A group of armoured Chaos knights stood alongside countless Beastmen and on their flank stood a group of those legendary beings known as Dragon Ogres. Those with a greater taste for conflict than I could tell you more of that terrible battle. I remember it as being an appalling affair that I only wished to survive through. At the height of it, the Dragon Ogres ploughed into General Kromach's bodyguard and Ulamar sought to stop them by unleashing lightning from the heavens, proving that he had never bothered to study our foe. Dragon Ogres consume naught but lightning. They went absolutely berserk as the energy from Ulamar's spell coursed over them. They slaughtered the General, all of his men, and Ulamar in less time than it takes me to tell it. I obviously managed to survive the battle, if only just. Keep to your studies and think before you act my lads or you will never live to tell such tales.
— Aponymous Rone, Master Wizard of the College of Light