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Marktag the 18th of Pflugzeit, 2505
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Perfect Conditions for Blood Bowl, neither too cold nor too hot. It's a warm, dry and slightly overcast day.
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They are indeed a proud race, pitying all others who are wingless and thus cannot experience the joys of flight. They can be kindly, after their fashion, though they do not understand most of our ways. They detest all the green skinned races as Orcs slaughter or drive off the herds of mountain goats they naturally prey upon and Goblins find Great Eagle eggs to be a rare delicacy. Ethelior the Cunning has lived long in their whistling songs for his devious trap whereby he destroyed a massive Orc horde by shrieking through the mountain passes in such a way that he set off an avalanche. Once, long ago, even as we count time, Asur heroes rode upon their backs into battle. I have heard that at this, what looks to be the beginning of the Ending of Days that the old ways have returned and once more, the Great Eagles carry some of the heroes of the Asur to war.