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Marktag the 18th of Pflugzeit, 2505
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Perfect Conditions for Blood Bowl, neither too cold nor too hot. It's a warm, dry and slightly overcast day.
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They know how to fight. That's what you have to remember about them. People talk about the strength of their armour, or the ferocity of the Blood God's worshippers, or the intimidating look of the horns and the spikes. It's their sheer skill at war that wins them their battles though. They've been fighting since they were born-fighting, mind you, not just practicing, and often to the death. Oh, the Bretonnian knights have been trained since they were children, but they don't have the sheer depth of experience that even the younger Chaos Warriors do. As for the older ones... some of them have pacts or gifts from the Ruinous Powers that mean they live for hundreds of years, if they remain undefeated on the field of battle. So, yes, they're good. Very good. If you come up against them, defend yourself as a first priority, and hope one of your mates can get behind him with a mace or a warhammer or something - because it's true, that armour is damnably strong too.