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The Spawn of Chaos are the most horrific of all the Chaos-tainted Humans, for in appearance at least they live up to their name, seeming to have been created from an eruption of the raw stuff of Chaos into the world. Yet as I say, these too were once Human, belying their current vile and misshapen form. For many, the transformation may have begun with the growth of a single extra finger on one hand, or a patch of fur between the shoulders. Thus and so does Chaos gain its first handhold upon mortal man. If he embraces his newfound mutation, seeking out the dark corruption of the Chaos Gods by one means or another, he will gain more mutations, and thus the road to Spawndom continues. Pure chaos is the most addictive and evil drug imaginable, far more so than any potion or herb of the Unspeakable One, for pure Chaos promises prolonged life, personal power, and dominion over others. . . Every one of the basest of Human emotions is catered to. Many think that by begging their dark masters for mutation after mutation, they will some day be godlike themselves, and perhaps this is true for a tiny minority. For most of those who strive to achieve such a destiny, though, the taint of Chaos will one day overwhelm not merely their conscious wills, but their very bodies, transforming them into those gibbering, swollen, amorphous blobs known as the Spawn of Chaos. Not only do they no longer look Human, they no longer even look like they might once have been Human, as most Beastmen or other Mutants do.