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Marktag the 18th of Pflugzeit, 2505
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Perfect Conditions for Blood Bowl, neither too cold nor too hot. It's a warm, dry and slightly overcast day.
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So Bargrub's Ladz are take'n a proper thump'n and all getting dead right fast. I's cant have dat, 'cos I need the sod's gruntas, but I's hav'n a bit o' fun, all stuck in an such. So I see Lagruemorgt, hav'n a lot of drool on 'is gob and not much else ta do and I says he should take hisself over to where Bargrub is and sort out da humie knights wot are vex'n 'im. So Lag's game, an 'e trots over to get stuck in, an sharpish, humie knights are learn'n fly'n less'ens wit no wings. Lag gets a bit carried away tho, an 'e starts holler'n an leap'n around and pretty soon 'e fell over. Kilt most of da humies, an Bargrub, an a few 'o da gruntas, too. I laughed so 'ard I 'bout soiled meself. Da biggest big un's are always good fer a laugh.