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Marktag the 18th of Pflugzeit, 2505
. The weather is:
Pouring Rain, torrential downpour soaking anyone still out there waiting to get in.
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There was a stir amidst the bracken ahead of us and we prepared for a wolf or a boar. But that isn't what stepped from the thicket. Like a single ray of sun on an otherwise overcast day, her horn emerged first, gleaming so brightly that the shadows of the forest were thrown back and then she followed. She was a song cast in flesh, a poem without words. I tell you without shame that I wept as she regarded me with her ageless eyes. I tried to speak, but my words were lost as my companion, Turbretz, a singularly dense man, shot an arrow at her. I spun as swiftly as I could and struck his bow in twain, but by the time I'd turned back around, she was already gone.